Report: iPhone ownership surpasses 50% threshold for the first time in the US
Is this part of a bigger trend?
As per a new Counterpoint Research report (which the Financial Times got a hold of), more U.S.-based smartphone users are using iPhones over Android phones for the first time ever.
This feat includes quarterly smartphone shipments and the "active installed base"; which takes into account users who purchased used iPhones, and users with devices older than a year.
A big factor for this could be the iPhone lineup, which has gotten more diverse over the years, including the iPhone SE (a budget device available since 2016).
But the U.S. is not the entire world… the Android OS certainly dominates many markets. As of August 2022, roughly 72% of global mobile device owners are Android users.
Can Apple achieve such milestone in other markets? It could be tough… but the iconic brand dominates in the 400$+ premium and $1,000+ ultra premium device segments worldwide with 57% and 78% market shares respectively. Going “cheap” has never been part of the Apple product roadmap, but the used iPhone market is bound to get bigger in many countries and such could improve affordability.